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It’s your duty to make sure guests are safe during your event. A loose cable or slippery sidewalk can be very dangerous. Before guests arrive, walk around the venue (inside and out) to assess potential dangers. Report these problems to the venue or the vendor responsible for the issue. If there’s a loose speaker cable, talk to the AV technicians. If the outdoor sidewalk needs to be salted, find the manager of the venue.


  • Is the stage stable and safe to use? Look out for uneven thresholds on portable stages
  • Is the stage easy to access? Are there stairs? Is a ramp needed?
  • Are the edges clearly marked? White or yellow tape along the edge of the stage is best
  • Is there a light at the podium so presenters can easily read their notes?
  • Is water available near the stage? Presenters shouldn’t have to walk too far for a drink!


  • Is the stage well lit? Can everyone throughout the room see presenters on stage?
  • Are you able to adjust the brightness of the stage and seating area independently?
  • Are there any strong shadows or bright spots that impact your décor?
  • Is it necessary to cover windows or other unwanted sources of light?


  • Walk around the room while someone speaks into a microphone. Is their voice intelligible throughout the room? What about someone with a louder or softer voice?
  • Is it too loud near the front and too quiet at the back?
  • Do you hear feedback (a loud ringing noise) when the microphone is near the speaker?
  • Are there enough microphones? How many people will be on stage at once?
  • Can you play music if needed? Is there background music for cocktails and dinner?

Most microphones are designed to be used at very close range. It’s best to hold the microphone slightly below your chin, no more than 3” (8 cm) away from your lips.


  • Is there a chance guests or venue staff will walk in front of projectors or cameras?
  • Can you test video files to ensure they’ll play correctly? Does the sound work, too?
  • Should the brightness of the room be lowered to improve the video clarity?

Safety and General Hazards

  • Are there any loose cables that could pose a tripping hazard?
  • Is anything hanging above your guests? What precautions have been taken to ensure nothing will fall?
  • Slippery floors and walkways
  • Pathways too narrow – one-meter is ideal
  • Uneven thresholds – check all doorways
  • Exit doors unmarked or blocked
  • Room becomes over-capacity
  • Unstable portable stages
  • Unmarked steps and ledges