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A master timeline is similar to the event schedule, but includes many more behind-the-scenes details. This timeline starts on the morning of your event (perhaps the day before) and ends once everything is cleaned up and packed away following the event.

It should include every little detail and task you can imagine. Be thorough so you don’t miss anything when you’re under pressure during the event.

Here’s an example master timeline for a typical company holiday party. Can you think of anything else to add?


  • 11:00 AM – Decorating company arrives at the venue
  • 12:00 PM – Awards need to be picked up from the office storage room
  • 12:30 PM – Core event planning team arrives at the venue to do a safety check
  • 12:45 PM – Be ready to greet the event planning team and volunteers when they arrive
  • 1:00 PM – Setup awards and prizes on tables beside the stage
  • 1:10 PM – Setup registration table
  • 1:20 PM – Hang banners and signs
  • 1:30 PM – Catering company arrives
  • 2:00 PM – Entertainers and AV company arrive
  • 6:00 PM – Guests arrive for cocktails – magician, photo booth, and caricature artist
  • 7:00 PM – President’s welcome speech
  • 7:05 PM – Dinner is served
  • 8:30 PM – Bar closes
  • 8:30 PM – After-dinner entertainment on stage
  • 9:30 PM – President and executives speak
  • 9:40 PM – Awards and prize giveaway – include a list of awards, presenters, and winners
  • 10:00 PM – DJ starts dance music, bar opens
  • 11:00 PM – Late-night snacks are served
  • 11:00 PM – Call the taxi company to have cars waiting for guests
  • 11:30 PM – Announce last call for drinks – bar closes at midnight
  • 12:00 AM – Host steps on stage to thank guests for coming
  • 12:10 AM – Lights turn on, vendors pack up equipment
  • 12:20 AM – Event team takes down signs, tables, decorations

Print copies of the master timeline for everyone on your team. The venue and vendors
will appreciate having this detailed information, too.