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Event Planning Ideas

Creating a Memorable Orientation Week Experience with Magician Sam Pearce

By April 2, 2023April 4th, 2023No Comments

When planning an orientation week event for a college or university, one important aspect to consider is entertainment. While there are many options to choose from, hiring a magician can add an exciting and unique element to the event. Magician Sam Pearce has extensive experience entertaining at orientation week events across Canada. He has previously been hired by the University of Toronto, Western University, Fanshawe College, and University of Waterloo, just to name a few.

When it comes to entertainment for orientation week events, the possibilities are endless. From bands and comedians to jugglers and acrobats, there are many different options to choose from. However, hiring a magician can offer several benefits that other forms of entertainment may not. For one, magic is a universal language that can appeal to all ages and cultures. This makes it an excellent choice for an event that will have a diverse audience.

Another benefit of hiring a magician is that it can help break the ice and encourage interaction among students who may not know each other yet. Sam Pearce’s performances are interactive, allowing students to participate in the magic and create memories together. This can be a great way to foster a sense of community and belonging among new students, which is especially important during orientation week.

In addition to the entertainment factor, hiring a magician like Sam Pearce can also provide logistical benefits. Sam is able to provide all the necessary equipment for his performance, such as theatrical lighting, stage curtains, and a sound system with wireless microphone. This eliminates the need for the college or university to provide or rent any additional equipment.

In conclusion, hiring a magician like Sam Pearce for an orientation week event can be a great way to add excitement and engagement to the event while also fostering a sense of community among new students. With extensive experience entertaining at orientation week events across Canada, Sam is a reliable and experienced choice for any college or university looking to add some magic to their orientation week.